Anno Domini: Fryday Vendredi Freitag == Robinsons Gefaehrte on iland. lol.
Der 15/03/2024. Um 10:30 MEZ.
All grazy n dead. All dead. And Gone.
William Blake: 'Tales of Utopia'
'Once Upon An Impossible Time in Time in West-or+in-Virgina?'
Zeig's MIR!
Zeig's MIR!
Get Down Make Love No (or more?) war! anymore. PLEASE! Neverending-l(aughing! NO? sheeting? anymore?)-ol.

born: 28. November 1757.
William Blake.
1757 in Soho, London – 1827 London.
Poet, painter, engraver, and visionary William Blake worked to bring about a change both in the social order and in the minds of men. Though in his lifetime his work was largely neglected or dismissed, he is now considered one of the leading lights of English poetry, and his work has only grown in popularity. In his Life of William Blake (1863) Alexander Gilchrist warned his readers that Blake “neither wrote nor drew for the many, hardly for work’y-day men at all, rather for children and angels; himself ‘a divine child,’ whose playthings were sun, moon, and stars, the heavens and the earth.” Yet Blake himself believed that his writings were of national importance and that they could be understood by a majority of his peers. Far from being an isolated mystic, Blake lived and worked in the teeming metropolis of London at a time of great social and political change that profoundly influenced his writing. In addition to being considered one of the most visionary of English poets and one of the great progenitors of English Romanticism, his visual artwork is highly regarded around the world.
Blake was born on November 28, 1757.
BREAK. Atännchen please! ; At the middle of The Worlds Final End. Date :: 2.024 AC Miday Clock :: At Morning; After nonedone breakfast. Lol.
His soul n spirit will never dying.
always alive.
by god.
On planet earth.
+ |
Tyger Tyger.
burning bright
in the forests
of+' thyn +'night.
In den Wäldern ew&ger Nacht.
1795. William Blake. A Poet. A Poem. &
My people.
i ask u in friendship only one question :
Is Your Utopia now real orelse is my darkest Hell now realty for me and my people?
A Joke with you, my old friends.
You Know it, aren't you?
I make a joke with you my beloved daemons n satans .
O N L Y one joke.
content follows shortly...